Sunday, October 18, 2009

Have you seen Castaway?

Brody has really missed Mike this weekend while he was at the hunting lease. When we got home from church today he cried and cried about how he missed his daddy. At first talking to Daddy on the phone helped, but then I think it just made the distance harder on him and, choked with tears, he couldn't talk anymore. He was so excited this afternoon when he found a picture of Daddy. It's one of Mike's senior pictures.
He immediately took this picture to his room and gave it a place of importance (out of the reach of Barrett). When I tucked him into bed tonight he asked me to bring him a flashlight. When I brought the flashlight back he pulled out the prized picture and propped it up with some pillows so that the picture was facing him in bed. As I left the room he was clicking the flashlight off and on...watching Daddy smile at him thru the picture. Made me think of the movie Castaway.

I'm glad our boys love their daddy so much! I really missed him too!


Shelly said...

That is soo stinking sweet. I love your family! I hope Mike doesn't mind you posting High School pics of him...Matt would kill me! :-) Had fun today. I've already blogged about it...was checking to see if you had too.

megan said...

That is really sweet. I have to admit that I am a bit perplexed by Mike's tie...I actually clicked on it to see it bigger to see if it really was an alien type thing! Mike looks younger in that picture, but I'm really amazed at how little's he's changed!

Back to what this post was really about, it's so sweet how much your boys love their daddy.

Ann Hastings said...

I love that story, Brody is so cute! I also agree with Megan about Mike's Tie- what is on it?

Teri said...

Tissues, please! That's precious! and the SR!