Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving in KS - Monday

The time has finally arrived for our annual Thanksgiving trek to Kansas!  We left yesterday around 2 pm...just in time for the boys to take their naps in the car.  They traveled really well on the trip up.  We stopped north of Oklahoma City at a Cracker Barrel for dinner.   Chuck and Lou Ann (Ann's parents) always stop at Cracker Barrels and since Mike and the boys had never eaten at one, we decided to give it a try.  My favorite thing (this might seem kinda strange) was their booster seats!  They were so cool!  They were mini wooden chairs with the legs cut off that they strapped onto one of the regular seats. 

We arrived at Grammy's house after 10 pm and put the kids straight to bed.  This morning we got to have breakfast with Grammy before she left for work and the the boys convinced Mike to play ball outside.
Barrett looked a little confused.  I think he was wondering how it was almost 80 degrees yesterday (in Texas) and this morning it's in the 30's!
I decided to sit inside and enjoy my hot tea rather than freezing outside!
Around lunch time we headed over to Chris & Teri's house in Sterling.  Mike was looking forward to spending a few days hunting with Chris.  Brody was excited to play with Collin, Hans, & Alan (and their trampoline, the toys in their basement, and their HUGE Nerf gun).  After the boys took a nap, Teri and I waited outside with them for the school bus to arrive.  We were all shocked when one of the cats jumped up on the trampoline with Brody!  He actually sat up there for a few minutes while Brody bounced.  That's one brave cat!
The cat was nowhere to be seen once the kids got home from school and the older boys joined Brody on the trampoline!
Instead, it sat up on the porch by Barrett.  I'm not sure this was the smartest cat.  It went from jumping on a trampoline with a 4 year old to sitting on a porch by a 2 year old toting a chainsaw!  (Yes, it's fake...but Barrett pretended it was real and wanted to cut anything from wood to the appendage of anyone who'd stand still!)
Finally Collin announced that he needed to go inside and do his homework.  Brody offered to help and sat right next to Collin watching him work for a good 5-10 minutes....until Alan asked if he wanted to go downstairs to play.  He decided playing was more fun that watching someone do homework.
Mike and Chris had a successful afternoon hunting birds and when it was quitting time (dark), we loaded up the car and headed back to Grammy's.  She fixed us and yummy dinner and we spent some time talking/playing before bedtime.  She's been working on finishing out the upstairs rooms in her new home and the boys were excited to get to sleep upstairs.  Grammy read them a story before bed in her new sitting room upstairs.


Steve and Joan said...

Barrett and Brody sure have fun in Kansas!

Ann Hastings said...

Sounds like a great trip up there and a great first day there!