Friday, November 19, 2010

Loving Hands

I can't see a pecan without thinking about Daddy Ken and Grandmommy.  They have pecan trees in their yard and they have had some years with really good crops!  Several years I've been given gallon zip loc bags full of picked clean pecans.  Delicious!  We were indulging in pecans while chatting on the front porch today and I thought I'd capture the master at work.  Not only are these hands good at picking pecans, there are many many years of love in these hands.  Look at them?  Can't you see the love?!?




Sharon said...

What a beautiful, deserving tribute to Jo Faye. She is a wonderful and beautiful mother, grandmommy, and sister. Thank you for the posting.

Leave It To Davis said...

Those hands have picked many pecans, cooked many meals,patted many backs, swatted many backsides, typed a trillion strokes, held the phone for a million minutes ,wiped away a thousand tears, and folded for thousands of prayers. There is none other like my mother.