Wednesday, November 03, 2010


When Brody woke up this morning he climbed up in my lap for his morning cuddle and said, "I dreamed about our new baby last night!  I dreamed it was a girl and I held her and rocked her all day long!"  That might be a nightmare for some little boys...but it was a dream come true for Brody!  He can't wait for that day!

While running errands this morning Brody was reciting the days of the week:
Brody - "...Thursday, Friday, Saturday!  Saturday is my FAVORITE day because I get to spend all day with Daddy!!!"

While I was getting dressed this morning:
Barrett - "Bye Mommy!"
Me - "Where are you going?"
Barrett - "To Wal-Mart......actually (cracks me up when he uses "actually") I going to Lowes."
Me - "Ok.  What are you gonna buy there?"
Barrett - "Wood.  Oh....and I going to drive a forklift at Lowes.  I pull the lever and it goes!"
(I called Mike and told him to keep a tight leash on Barrett when they're in Lowes together.  I'm afraid he would climb up on a forklift and try to drive it.  Apparently he's been watching which levers they use to drive.)

After I prayed with Brody before bed tonight:
Brody - "It's really hard to be a big brother."
Me - "Why?"
Brody - "Because you have to obey all the time and...well...sometimes I don't!"
Me - "I understand how hard it is.  I'm a big sister."
Brody - "Yeah, but you obey all the time!"
Me - "Not always.  Everyone messes up sometimes!"
Brody - "Ah.  Well, it's still hard to be a big brother!"

1 comment:

Leave It To Davis said...

You're such a good mother...."everyone messes up sometime". Great response. No pressure on him to be perfect. You are wise.