Thursday, January 19, 2012

Stop Over Analyzing!!!

Tonight I was standing in our kitchen talking to Daddy Steve when I looked over and saw Brody.  He had one of the lower cabinet doors open and was leaning on the open door. 

"BRODY!  I have told you more times than I can count NOT to hang on those doors!  Get off the door and shut the cabinet!!!"

It's his response that makes this scene blog worthy.  He looked at me with awe on his face and said, "WOW!  More times than YOU can count?!?  That's a LOT!  I wonder how many that is?..." he went on to mutter under his breath in amazement about it being more than I can count.

Daddy Steve quickly turned around to hide the amusement on his face...and I couldn't help but laugh out loud!  I said, "Stop over analyzing everything I say!  I was exaggerating...but I really meant it!  Stay off the cabinet doors!"

1 comment:

Leave It To Davis said...

lol.....that's what you get when your kids is super smart!!! lol