Saturday, January 07, 2012

Barrett's Prayers

Yesterday Daddy Steve came over on his lunch break to help me get the Christmas lights off our roof.  I figured that by getting them down before Mike gets home tonight, he'd have more time to play with the boys tomorrow!  It was a beautiful day for January (almost 70 degrees!) which made it perfect for climbing on the roof! 

We successfully got all the lights down just in time for Daddy Steve to hurry home and go to a funeral (for a former neighbor) with Namaw.  Brody and Barrett were busy having a dart gun war while I packed everything up in tubs and started hauling it up into the attic.  There were still a few big boxes in the garage (that, thankfully, Grammy didn't try to carry up the attic stairs).  I decided that I was strong enough to get the boxes (including the one that holds our tall Christmas tree) up the stairs.  I knew it was going to be tough...and that there was a risk of me falling.  So, before I started, I rehearsed our emergency plan with the boys. 

The plan.....If Momma falls and needs help:
1.  Brody call 911 (I made sure he knew where to access the keypad on my phone...not the easiest thing to find on an iPhone if you don't know where it is)
2.  Since Daddy Steve and Namaw weren't at home, Barrett would run to the neighbor's house (who was home) and tell them we needed help.

As I proceeded to heave the Christmas tree box over to the attic stairs and then try to shove it up using the stairs for balance, I heard Barrett's sweet little voice behind me, "God....please don't let Momma fall.  Help her be safe!"

God answered the sweet prayer of my 3 year old son.  I got all the Christmas tubs/boxes/trees successfully put away in the attic until next year!  Now we're just waiting for Mike to get home!!!


Sharon said...

That was so sweet!

Leave It To Davis said...

Best thing in the world....prayers for your safe keeping. Have him practice that every night so next time you and Mike go hiking alone about dark with no cell phone and no flashlight. :)

sweetlizzy said...

awww, that's adorable!!! :) there is nothing as precious or innocent as the prayers of a child