Saturday, July 10, 2010

"Daddy Hold You"

Every night when I get Barrett out of the bathtub I wrap him up in a towel and then he looks up at me and says, "Daddy hold you."  So...I take him to Mike and he cuddles with Mike for a while before putting his jammies on.  Tonight Mike went over to Tyler's house to hang out, but that didn't keep Barrett from saying, "Daddy hold you!" when he got out of the bath.  I reminded him that Daddy was at Tyler's house and so he said, "Bubba hold you?!"  This thrilled Brody to no end!  He used to love to hold Barrett when he was a baby and lately he's been wanting to hold Barrett again...but Barrett isn't a baby anymore and doesn't feel the need to have his brother hold him.  So tonight was a special night.  Brody ran to sit on the daybed and I put a bundle of Barrett in his lap.  The boys sat there laughing and talking for quite a while...sat one spot...still! It was so sweet!


GG said...

This is a picture that must have a place in your Blog book. It is precious.

Rebecca said...

So cute. My mom always tells stories about when I used to say "hold you".

Sharon said...

That is the most precious picture of them I have ever seen. They are so sweet. I really enjoyed spending time with them last Sunday. Wish I could see them more often.

Leave It To Davis said...

Every once in a while, Brady will go up to Bryan and say "hugs" (I am very serious), stick out his bottom lip and extend his arms....Bryan, of course, replies with a punch or karate kick....enjoy your boys being little and hugging....I wish it could last longer!!

Mom said...

"Brothers gotta hug!" Isn't that from some movie?

Precious picture. I am glad you captured it for all time.

Ann Hastings said...

Adorable-Precious Picture :)

Jennifer said...

Precious! Jacob says "Hold you me!" :)