Monday, June 11, 2007

Prayer Requests

1. Mike's back has been hurting him. We're not sure if it's a pulled muscle, pinched never, or something else. He's supposed to help our friend, Terry, rasie the trusses for his new house on Tuesday. He is also wanting to get a lot done on our house over the next 6 weeks. Pray that it heals quickly!

2. I'm getting 9 moles removed today. With the birth of Brody, Mike's knee surgery, and losing the baby...we've met our total out of it shouldn't cost anything! I'm just a little nervous about the pain!

3. Brent & Nicole (former preacher/now missionary in Russia here on furlough) are pregnant and they received some discouraging news from their doctor. Some measurements from the sonogram showed signs of Downs Syndrome. They won't find out for sure until the next sonogram (2 MONTHS from now!) Pray for healing and for their peace of mind. Two months is a loooooong time to wait!!!


Amy said...

I'll pray!

Anonymous said...

I will pray for all of you. Mike, I can relate to what you are going through with back pain - I have it all the time.

Anonymous said...

I will add all of that to my prayer list. Thanks for letting us know.

Rebecca said...

I hope that Mike starts feeling better, and that your pain is not too great, although I'm betting it's not going to hurt as much as having a baby, but I guess you won't get wuite the reward from it either. :)
As for your friends and their baby, I know that being faced with a special needs child is heartbreaking, but I have got to admit that after working with so many of them, the ones with Downs are abosolutely a joy and a blessing. They can be a handful, but they also bring so much happiness.

Anonymous said...

I can relate to the back pain - not fun! Although I think I would prefer back pain to the mixed blessing of having met your medical insurance deductible this early into the year! We will pray for you guys.

Anonymous said...

Hope Mike continues to feel better. I have not had back pain thus far, but I have had toenails removed like you did and that is pain plus. Glad your moles were not that painful. I do not like to have moles removed from my face--that can be painful but not like toes. If Brody likes frog legs, aren't you glad you do not have to cook them before he eats them?