Saturday, March 10, 2012

Rainy Day Inside

Our game on Friday night was at 10 pm, so I took the boys over to Daddy Steve and Namaw's at bedtime so they could go ahead and go to sleep.  After Daddy Steve went to the gym this morning, he brought the boys back home.  He also brought an extra along....Trey!  Trey lives across the street from Daddy Steve and Namaw and is Brody's best friend "besides God and Jesus....and you and Daddy and BearBear" (according to Brody).  Brody, Barrett and Trey played very well together all day long.  They had nerf wars, indoor basketball games, played hide-n-seek, and sometimes just sat in Brody's room talking.  At one point Mike pulled out our NFL Monopoly board game (I think this was while Barrett was napping).  Mike, Brody, and Trey had fun playing a competitive game.  I'm glad Brody has such a fun, sweet friend to call his best friend!


Ann Hastings said...

Me too!!! Friends are so important!

Ann Hastings said...

Me too!!! Friends are so important!

Leave It To Davis said...

Bryan and Brady both had best friends that are STILL their best friends...and I feel like a second mom to them. Enjoy every second...the years are going to whiz by.