Thursday, March 08, 2012

Look what Brody can do!!!

Once Brody gets it in his head that he wants to do something....he doesn't give up until he accomplishes it!  He decided this week that he wanted to tie his own shoes.  He practiced and practiced and finally success!  We may have been a few minutes late for school today because I was waiting for him to finish tying his shoes...but it was worth it.  Mrs. Allyson said that he practiced tying them over and over today at school.  Brody learning to tie his shoes has not only been a time of him achieving a new life skill...but also an opportunity for me to increase my level of patience!   

And I had just ordered a Scholastic book that teaches you to tie your shoes (it hasn't arrived yet)!  I guess Barrett will get to use the book.


steve said...

Go Brody!

Leave It To Davis said...

Daddy Ken always told me that patience and persistance pays off. Way to go Brody!

Ann Hastings said...

He showed me today, so proud of him!