Friday, March 09, 2012

Letting Go

Each day I learn little lesson about letting go with our boys.  God gave us these precious children to train and raise to be godly men....but not godly men that live at home with their momma's that are able to go out into this world and make a difference!  Sometimes the whole "letting go" thing is hard for me. 

Today was the first day of Spring Break at our house.  Just like every other Friday, we went to the gym at 8:30 for a few hours of hard core sweating (the boys in the kids club and me in the aerobics room).  After the gym, we dropped Barrett off with GG and Brody and I took a humidifier and vicks to Audria (Axton is sick).  Then it was home for me and Brody to have a yummy lunch before going back to pick up Barrett.  After picking up Barrett we went to Daddy Steve & Namaw's so I could work on a few tax returns.  I told the boys that after Barrett woke up from his nap we were gonna go do something fun to celebrate the start of Spring Break!

A few hours later Barrett was up and I loaded the boys in the car.  We drove to Braum's and got milkshakes and then headed home to cuddle up on the couch to watch a movie on this overcast, might rain any moment kinda day.  As we pulled into the driveway, Trey was waiting on our porch for us to get home.  When we climbed out of the car he said, "Can the boys come play?!?"  I tried to convince the boys that they wanted to come inside and enjoy our ice cream and watch a movie with me....but they wanted to go play.  I realized it wouldn't be fun for anyone if I forced them to sit on the couch and watch a movie with I let them go.

The milkshakes sat on our counter barely touched and I was left with a quiet house.  I sat down on the couch with my ice cream and tears formed in my eyes as I texted Mike, "boys chose playing with friends over milkshake and movie with momma.  guess it's only the beginning...huh?"  He responded, " still have me!"  I had just been thinking the same thing!

My heart is so full of love for these boys....and part of loving our children is slowly letting out the reins.  It's not an easy thing to do!  I pray every day that God will help me learn to let go.....because I know I can't do it on my own!


Wendi said...

Sweet post. I'll be there soon, and dreading it. Haha.. :)

Leave It To Davis said...

I know exactly how you feel. If I was there, we could cry together. Brace yourself, though. The years ahead are going to be tough because they are boys. "Daughters are daughters all their lives, but a son is a son til he takes a wife." I know that won't be exactly true with your are too good of a mom. It IS very hard letting them go....because they are always our little boys in our eyes, whether they are 3, 10, 18, or 58. Big hug.

The Goforths said...

I'm in tears... I do my best to savor every moment I have with my little fellas!

Ann Hastings said...

Oh yeahm I am in tears- I can barely let go now, I have a lot to learn from you! You know I'll be calling you for advice!