Thursday, June 03, 2010

Covenant with Abraham

This morning Brody woke up early. I was in the middle of reading my Bible so he wanted me to just read it out loud to him. I was in Genesis reading about the covenant God made with Abraham and about how God told Abraham and Sarah that they would have a baby at the age of 100 and 91 respectively. I knew I could read it to Brody and animate it along the way to let him see how interesting/pivotal this event in history was. What I had forgotten about what the entire section where God tells Abraham to circumcise all the males in his household as a sign of his covenant with God.

I tried to breeze through the part about circumcision, but if you know Brody you know that he doesn't let things slide by that he doesn't understand. So began a discussion on circumcision. The question that puzzled him the most wasn't, "Why would a 99 year old man let someone circumcise him?" (that's the part that seems the craziest to me!) Instead, (after insisting that I explain circumcision to him in detail), the question that he just couldn't figure out in his mind was, "How in the world did they pee before they were circumcised?!?"

I don't think he heard much of the rest of the story.


Ann Hastings said...


Nancy said...

Inquisitive minds - aren't they

Tyler Hastings said...

LOL That's great!