Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tina Dump

This morning I headed back to the gym for aerobics class. This time I took the class rather than taught. It took a lot less brain power...and I got to talk to the ladies more :) It was fun! Then Tina went with Brody and I to the dump where I had to unload a ton of junk/trash from the pickup. {This must have been the most memorable part of the day for Brody because all day he's been saying, "Tina dump!" lol} After the dump we hung out at Tina's house for a little while before picking up her daughter, Summer, and going to lunch at Sonic. Any of you with toddlers know how incredibly slow they can eat a hamburger. Summer was in a hurry to get back to school (they were watching Pearl Harbor in her drama class) and well, let's just say that Brody was not in a hurry at all! Tina and I were laughing at all of Summer's not-so-subtle comments about the length of time it was taking Brody to eat a jr hamburger!

As we headed home I was thinking about how good it has been to get to see all my old friends at the gym again. Now I'm gonna miss them even more when I'm back in Texas!

Tonight was awards night for AWANA at church. Brody got the giggles for some reason. Every time they announced a kid's name he'd start giggling so hard! It was the contagious laugh that had everyone around us giggling too! I guess that's better than crying.

After church, Jed and Michelle came over to hang out and play cards (and of course eat ice cream)! We played a game called 7-up (no...not Heads Up 7-up! lol) that was really fun. We need to play it more so that we don't forget about it!

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