Saturday, October 01, 2011


Brody got to play catcher this afternoon.  To my surprise, he was super excited about it!  It took a little while for me to realize his plan.  He was somehow able to convince the pitcher (no, there's not an actual pitcher in t-ball...but one of the kids stands on the pitcher's mound to field the ball) to throw the ball to him instead of the first baseman (who couldn't catch the ball).  Teams bat all the players in their line up each inning (meaning there are at least 10 kids that bat).  By the 3rd inning Brody and the pitcher had a routine going...and Brody got 8 of the 10 kids out as they tried to run home!  There was only one questionable "safe" call...but that was because Brody had to chase down the ball that was thrown over his head...and then he basically tackled the runner as he crossed the plate!  No takin' it easy for this ball player!



Leave It To Davis said...

Future pro!

Anonymous said...

Brody looks like a "pro."