Thursday, October 20, 2011

Can your lip do this?

Barrett has an amazing pouting face.  I'm all the time telling him, "You better get that lip back in or you're gonna trip on it!!"  Of course...that just makes him stick it out even farther to prove that he won't!  This is the look I got this morning when he said, "I want milk from the presso machine." and I told him, "That's only on the weekends.  That's a special thing that Daddy does for you."  I don't think he liked me telling him "no".    (picture from my iPhone)


Leave It To Davis said...

Why do we do that as children, but leave that habit behind as adults? I always pouted like that when I was little. Maybe we finally learn it doesn't get us anywhere.

lauren said...

How could you say no to that face?

Ann Hastings said...

I couldn't ever say no to that face, that's why it's super fun to be his aunt :)
He's adorable!!