Saturday, September 05, 2009


Last night Brody had his first sleepover party at our house. His cousin, Collin, arrived at our house around 2 pm. Both of the boys were so excited about spending the night with each other that neither one of them had taken a nap. After Barrett woke up, I decided it was time to herd them outside so they could expend a little energy.

Brody and Collin jumped in the pool first and then took off for the grassy area of our backyard.

Barrett didn't like the fact that they were excluding him. Later I had to have a talk with Brody. I told him that when Caleb and Tyler were little, Caleb would invite Josh over to spend the night...and they had to let Tyler play with them. So...he needed to let Barrett play with him and Collin. (I didn't tell him that Caleb & Josh tried to exclude Tyler and were made to let him play with them by my mom...just like I was making him and Collin include Barrett!)

I was busy trying to make Barrett happy and it wasn't until a little later that I realized Brody and Collin were getting water from the pool, pouring it into the fresh dirt (see Daddy's Little Helper), and then stomping in the mud!

Why wasn't I noticing this? Because they were jumping back in the pool to wash I wasn't seeing muddy little boys running around.

After a dinner of pizza and Pepsi (it came with the pizza and since it was a special night, I let them have it with their dinner. Brody was super excited to have his own glass of coke!), the boys were off to play again. As it was getting closer to bedtime I asked them if they wanted to watch a movie (thinking it'd help them calm down). They picked a movie and then I took Barrett to the living room to give him his evening snack. Brody and Collin ran thru the living room and grabbed a few pillows from my room saying, "We need them to watch the movie!" Ok. I don't care if you use my pillow. As I was taking Barrett to bed I peeked into the media room to find this:

The boys had taken the cushions off the couches and collected EVERY pillow in our house. They piled them in the middle of the media room and were jumping off the couches onto their pile of pillows! The movie? They had paused it! lol

I started the "let's go to bed" routine early (8:00) thinking that MAYBE they'd actually be asleep by 9 pm. They were sooooo wound up and were being so silly. They insisted on sleeping in the same bed together and chose the smallest one (the camo flip out couch).

After numerous times of coming out of the room (Brody needed a drink, Collin had to go potty again, Brody had to go potty again, Collin decided he wanted to go home...sorry! that's over and hour're stuck here!, Brody wouldn't stop talking so Collin couldn't sleep, etc) I decided that I was going to have to take a different course of action.

I made a pallet for the boys on the floor of the media room and turned on a movie. I told them they could go to sleep watching the movie. They agreed to this idea. At 10:00 pm Mike and I looked into the media room to find them both asleep on the couches.

I was so glad they'd fallen asleep...but I was a little nervous that one of them would wet the couch during the night! Neither one of them wet the bed (typically)...but if there was a night it would happen, I figured it'd be the one night they were sleeping on something that didn't have a protective cover over it! This fear actually woke me several times during the night. I was so relieved when both of the boys woke up dry this morning!

As we were getting ready to leave for Lake Lewisville (to celebrate Lauren & Katelyn's birthdays), the boys asked me to take a picture of them together. They stood a few feet apart and leaned in towards each other with their heads. I was trying so hard to control my laughter as they held this pose until I could get my camera and take a picture!

They had so much fun together. I'm sure many more crazy nights of sleepovers are in our future with these two boys!


Mom said...

It looks like they really had fun!

Teri said...

Adorable! Glad they, the couch and you survived and enjoyed the night!

Ann Hastings said...

It's so cute to see them enjoy each other so much!

megan said...

how cute and how fun! sounds like they had blast.

Jamie said...

How funny and cute! I have been trying not to laugh out loud while reading this because everyone is asleep! Sleepovers are alot of work!

Romaine said...

You waking up in the middle of the night worrying about the couch...well, let's just say, "I can relate!" Crazy, isn't it?