Wednesday, September 23, 2009



Planes are one of Barrett's obsessions. Every time he hears a plane or helicopter fly over he stops what he's doing, points to the sky, and says, "Puh-puh-puh!" over and over until you acknowledge him and say, "Plane! Good job, Barrett! I see the plane too!"


Ginger said...

McKenna LOVES them too right now! It's so cute to see them get so excited over planes and helicopters.

Dad said...

Great photo! I am so glad you captured the look in his eyes of amazement with his finger pointing to the plane! You capture such precious moments!!!


Tyler and Ann said...

aww- he's so cute!

Leave It To Davis said...

McKenna and I were in the kitchen this morning and a helicoptor took off from the airport and flew pretty close to our was LOUD, and she ran to the sliding glass door all excited. Ft. Hood has a lot of their helicoptors over at the Temple airport for some reason.