Thursday, May 07, 2009

Guess the Cost of Surgery

Barrett's temps were down yesterday, however, he still acted like he didn't feel well. On Tuesday night, Brody woke up during the night with a 103.9 fever. His temps were mostly in the 101's yesterday, but he had a few jumps into the 102's. I'm hoping they both wake up feeling better today...and I'm also praying that Mike and I don't get whatever they've had!

My appointment went well yesterday. After inserting the die and taking x-rays, they found that the die passed from my kidney to my bladder perfectly on my left side...but didn't ever leave my kidney on my right side. The kidney stone is blocking the path from my right kidney to my bladder. I have a pre-op appointment today and then surgery tomorrow morning to blast the kidney stone. In regards to the surgery, I'm havin' to eat my words. A few months ago (I can't find the post where I said this) I said that it was crazy that everyone in our family but me will go under anesthesia this year (Mike for knee surgery on the 22nd of this month, Brody for his colonoscopy back in January, and possibly Barrett for a hernia). Now I just pray that Barrett won't end up needing surgery...otherwise ALL of us will have been under anesthesia in 2009. Crazy!!!

As I said before, I'm soooo thankful that we live in a country where medical care is readily available...but it's crazy how much some simple procedures (at least in my mind a kidney blast is a simple procedure...that may change after tomorrow) can cost!

Leave a comment and let me know your guess for how much lithotripsy (the official term for "blasting" my kidney stone) costs before insurance. No cheating...don't google it...just give me your best guess!


Ann Hastings said...

I am glad you went to the doctor and they're helping you... we are praying for the surgery to go well and for you to pass it without any pain.
I hate to hear that Brody too now has a fever... I pray that they both get better and are healed... I can't imagine being in the pain you're in and then on top of that having 2 sick boys.
I love you!
I would say that the lithotripsy would cost a couple thousand dollars... I have no idea!

Mike K. said...

TOO MUCH!!! :)

Jennifer said...

Well, my 1st c-section--just for the surgery alone--was $38,000. No joke. That's how much we paid for our HOUSE!!! So I would guess that a kidney blast would cost $5,000-6,000.
I'm glad you're getting it taken care of tomorrow. I'll be praying for you. Praying for the boys, too. Your family is going through the ringer!

Jennifer said...

We have had the pleasure of having multiple procedures in our family over the past couple of years. I'm thankful for insurance but when it came time to pay for our procedures, I quickly realized that our insurance was more like catastrophic insurance! Oh thankful for what we have. Right?!? I'm guessing your procedure is a mere $9k. :o)

GG said...

I will guess $8,000. I just had a little mole removed from my face and to check it was $400 The medical fees are terrible. Just glad we have good medial facilities near by.

Jamie said...


Leave It To Davis said...

If you don't have to stay overnight, I guess $4,000; for an overnight stay, $5,000. (I am guessing that your spelling of dye (die) is your subconscious must feel like you are dying....funny how die with ing is dying......weird language!)

Anonymous said...

I would go along with Cindy's guess. I hope they can blast it into such tiny pieces that you won't even feel them passing. Hope y'all don't get whatever Barrett and Brody have and that they will be well soon.

Teri said...

I'm right there with Mike... too much, although if it gets you feeling better it's priceless. Prayers are with you!

Between $3-5k if I had to put it to numbers.

Angela said...

I say $7,398.68. That's my best guess. We are praying for you!