Wednesday, December 10, 2008

One Crazy Day

5:20 am - Crawl out of bed. It's too late to make it to aerobics class, but I still went to the gym and did the cross trainer. Had my quiet time (aka Bible study time) while I was on the cross trainer.
6:10 am - Home from the gym. Make breakfast for me and Mike. Make a lunch for Mike.
6:30 am - check email
6:35 am - hop in the shower...stay in there too long because I'm dreading getting out of the warm shower and being hit by the cold air
6:50 am - throw on some fleece and make some hot cider.
6:55 am - start gathering ingredients for the dinner I'm making to take to our friends that just had a baby and put potatoes in oven to bake
7:20 am - Barrett wakes up. As I'm changing his dirty diaper (and he's crying b/c he's hungry) Brody walks into the living room. I send Brody to the potty and then tell Brody to get himself a pop tart while I nurse Barrett.
7:50 am - Go get pop tart for Brody (who hasn't "grown enough during the night yet"...his be able to reach them in the pantry).
8:00 am - Put Barrett in exersaucer and try to start cooking while Brody eats.
8:20 am - Turn on Thomas the Train for Brody (who watches 3 minutes of it before he's back in the kitchen pushing his stool to the cabinet so that he can be stuck to my side while I try to cook)
8:40 am - Put Barrett down for a nap. Try to continue cooking with my "little helper".
9:20 am - Decide that it would be a good time for Brody to have roomtime so that I can finish cooking (meatballs, cream corn, twice baked potatoes, and cookies)
10:00 am - Barrett wakes up early. Get him out of bed and then go get Brody dressed. Alternate between drying hair and checking on meatballs.
10:20 am - Try to keep Barrett happy until the cookies are done.
10:30 am - Feed Barrett
10:45 am - Throw on some clothes and finish fixing my hair
11:00 am - Call Mom (I was supposed to be ready at 10:30 am, luckily she was running behind too) Feed Brody some of the extra food I just cooked for our friends.
11:30 am - Namaw shows up. I run out to grab the paper (that I hadn't had time to get yet) and the mail. Pack up the diaper bag and the food while she loads the kids in her car. Drive to her house to drop her and Barrett off (it's his nap time again) while I borrow her car to deliver the food. (This is when I'd usually head to work.)
12:00 pm - Brody and I stop by the grocery store to pick up rolls to go with the food and head towards our friends house.
12:40 pm - Arrive at Kasi's house. Give her food and talk for a little while.
1:10 pm - Get back in the car. Brody tells me nonchalantly that his ear hurts. I take notice because he never complains about being sick and he's had a cold for a week now.
1:20 pm - We're stuck in traffic because of some construction. Brody tells me he has to go to the potty. When a 2 year old tells you he has to go find a potty!! We stop at a gas station.
1:30 pm - I realize that I'm starving (why didn't I eat any of the extra food?) so I pull into Burger Street. After seeing that there's a long line I back out and drive to Brahms instead. Brody is still complaining of his ear hurting. I'm trying to calculate how I can still get 4 hrs of work before we have to leave for church tonight.
1:35 pm - Call mom to make sure Barrett's not starving. He's awake, but will survive until we get there.
1:40 pm - Stop at CVS. Wait in line to talk to the pharmacist to see if there's an OTC decongestant that I could give Brody to help prevent an ear infection. He tells me to talk to my doctor because there aren't any OTC decongestants for 2 year olds (said they make them so hyper they can't sleep).
1:50 pm - Get back to Namaw's house. Start feeding Barrett while Brody starts crying about his ear (and wanting me to hold him...kinda hard when I'm nursing Barrett). It's VERY unusual for Brody to act like this. I decide to take him to Care Now.
2:00 pm - Realize I never ate my burger. Scarf it down while trying to console Brody.
2:20 pm - Check into Care Now. Brody plays with the toys and alternates between telling me that his ear doesn't hurt anymore and then a few minutes later telling me that it still hurts. He entertains all the people in the waiting room with his talking and antics.
3:15 pm - See the doctor who tells me that Brody's ear is very red. She gives me 3 different prescriptions (antibiotic, ear drops, & cough syrup/decongestant)
3:45 pm - Stop by Namaw's house to get a CVS coupon.
3:50 pm - Go to CVS to get prescriptions filled. Find out that the cough syrup is $36 there rather than $4 like at Kroger. Decide to go to Kroger instead.
4:00 pm - Arrive at Kroger. Find out ear drops are $160! Tell them to just fill the other 2 scripts (I'll just give him Tylenol for the pain. Sorry kid!)
4:10 pm - Mike stops at Kroger on his way home to pick up Brody and take him home. I go back inside to get the meds. They filled all 3 (including the $160 one!) I inform them of the mistake and the clerk tells me I should get the $4 generic. Sure! I'll pay $4 for it! So they start the process of calling the dr to get approval to fill a different ear drop prescription.
4:50 pm - Finally leave Kroger and head for home.
5:00 pm - Stop by our house to give Mike the meds for Brody
5:05 pm - Get to Namaw's house to pick up Barrett
5:15 pm - Back home. Feed Barrett while Brody lays crying beside me. Mike calls Terry to ask him to teach the HS focus group for us tonight.
6:00 pm - Heat up the extra meatballs, cream corn, & twice baked potatoes for our dinner. Eat with Mike and Brody while Barrett plays in the exersaucer.
7:00 pm - Try to interest Brody in Home Alone...he doesn't bite. He'd rather talk to us about how much he's growing and tell us that he's well now (the Tylenol and ear drops are doing their trick). I start typing this post. We forgot about doing our Jesse Tree devo. Oops!
8:00 pm - I give Barrett a bath while Mike gets Brody ready for bed.
8:30 pm -I feed Barrett while Mike puts Brody in bed.
8:47 pm - This very moment. I'm typing this post and watching Home Alone on our DVR.

I didn't get any hours at my job today...instead I spent lots of time "working" as a mom! It may have been a crazy, long day, however, I wouldn't trade my job for any other job in the world. I love being a mom! I'm gonna go bust into the sack of Oreos that I bought while I was waiting for the prescriptions to be filled at Kroger and do absolutely nothing but veg on the couch!


Jennifer said...

What a day!!! Anna just got over a double ear infection and Jacob one ear're lucky Brody TOLD you his ear hurt. I kept asking Anna (who is 3 1/2 and knows when something hurts!) if something hurt (naming everything I could think of!) and nothing. Of course, we were out of town too.
Don't you love prescriptions?! It's insane how expensive some of them are (esp. when you consider that you can get the generic brand for $4 most of the time!). I've never had trouble with a decongestant making my kids hyper.
Okay, I'm done now! Didn't mean to make this such a long comment!!

RaeAnn said...

Wow! Quite a day! Mine was crazy too!

suzspeaks said...

I'm tired just reading about your day!!! Mine was crazy...but you get the award for the day! I hope Brody feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you wrote all this down. That is quite a day!

Amy said...

Yikes! That was crazy!

Amy Godknecht said...

You win Supermom of the day award!

Ledbetter Fam said...

I don't know how you mustered up enough energy to sit down and remember all of it!!! I've had days like that and I don't think I would've felt like writing about it. Good for you!!!


Kyle & Susie Rhodes said...

oh my! the things i have to look forward to! like you, i won't be changing the job of mom for the world. however, i'm glad that i start with one baby first! two sounds really busy! i hope brody's ear feels better1

Anonymous said...

This blog brought back some memories. Oh wow! I'm also impressed that you could recreate it on paper instead of it disintegrating into a big blob in your mind. Great fun to read about it. :-) Thanks for sharing.

Kudos to you for fixing dinner for others when it's not convenient or easy. Great example for Brody.

Teri said...

That's a crazy day !
Like mom always said, "some days are like that!" and then you're so glad when they're over! Seriously hope everyone is feeling better!

Rebecca said...

That sounds exhausting...50 minutes at Kroger is just too long unless you're buying groceries for the next month!