Friday, June 27, 2008


Baby's head had moved back up a little bit this morning so my CNM didn't feel comfortable breaking my water.... I was 3cm dilated and 50% effaced. At 9:30am they started me on Pitocin in hopes that would further drop the baby's head as well as thin out my cervix. At 1:20pm I was 4cm dilated and 75% effaced. Hopefully if all goes well, they'll be able to break my water in a few hours. We'll keep you posted!


Amy said...

How are you feeling Stac? Is the pit as bad as they say? So glad you have internet!

Unknown said...

I'm glad your making progress! I have to admit that I have been compulsively checking your blog to see an update. I'm praying for you!

Ann Hastings said...

Thanks for letting us know- we're all up here in Indiana praying for you!