Our sonogram was today at 9:30 am. I'm sure you lost sleep last night with excitement...just like me! The sonogram went really well. The best part is that the baby looks perfectly healthy! We were so happy to see/hear that! The second best part was finding out the sex of the baby. Well...Daddy Intuition was right...IT'S A BOY!!!
The sonographer asked us if we wanted to know the sex and we both said, "YES!" He started moving the wand in that direction on the baby and before he said a word Mike said, "It's a boy!" The sonographer said, "Yep. There's somethin' stickin' out there!" I don't think he got a picture of the best shot of the baby's "man parts"...but it's still pretty clear in this one.

This is a wider view. You can see the bottom of the baby's feet in the dark part in the middle of the picture.

Can you find the fingers in this picture? Some day those fingers will be holding my hand as we cross the street :)

This is a picture of the baby's head (on the left side of the screen) with his arm (in the middle of the picture) and his hand up by his mouth sucking his thumb. So sweet!!!

This is a short video of the baby sucking his thumb. It kinda looks like he hiccups towards the end of the video.
Thanks for the call and sending the pictures. This has been a Super Tuesday for our family with such good news.
Congrats Mike, Staci and Brody! I can't see your videos at work so I will have to look again when I get home. Such sweet pictures though.
Congrats! I was wrong! :) Yea for little brothers (and big ones too)!
We are building a football team!
Congratulations!! Welcome to the Boys Club! I am so excited for you and Mike. And what great pictures!
kCongrats to your growing family. Have you taught Brody to say brother yet?
Yeah another sweet nephew! We're excited!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Mike, Staci, and Brody. I am so excited that we have another Brody on the way. They will be so cute together. This was a SUPER TUESDAY for our family.
Congrats - he is just perfect already!!! Oh, I wanted to tell you that I converted someone's blog from the old version a few days ago and ALL of the links transfered to the new one!!! Yay! But I am working on another header for you - yours was one of my first ones and I think I am getting better!!!
When do we find out bubba's name?
Congrats to you, Mike, & Brody. Thanks for calling me too! The pics are so sweet but the video is the best!
Yay for another boy! Glad you were able to put pictures on your blog!
YeA!!!!! That is awesome...I'm so happy for you guys!
Congratulations! You got some great pictures already. I can't wait to meet him!
Yipee!! Having two boys is SO much fun!! I am so happy for you guys and your healthy little baby boy!
Yeah!!! Nothing more fun than a house full of boys! Glad he is looking healthy and sucking his thumb!
WHAT GREAT NEWS!!!! Thanks for
sharing the pics - they are sooo
What an exciting day for you and Mike -- and all of the rest of the family, too!! I can just imagine all of the fun times that Brody and his new little brother will have together! I love the video! Now we can all start guessing the name....
Oh my gosh I LOVE LOVE LOVE the video! I watched and went AWWWWW outloud! I'm so thrilled for you, Mike and Brody! You have an amazing family and I know this little man is going to bring so much more to it!
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