Saturday, October 21, 2006

Walking Partner

Last night Mike and I took Brody on a walk. As usual, Remington and Trevor (our dogs) went along with us. However, last night we had a new walking companion. You can see Hank to the left of Mike in the picture below and to the right of me and Trevor in the pic below that. That's right, one of our cats decided that he wanted to go on the walk too. We walked about a mile and he followed along the whole way! He hangs around Remington all the time and we're beginning to think that he thinks he's a dog too!

We went walking at the perfect time. The sun was setting. One of our neighbors, Steve, was out cutting milo. It made a gorgeous picture! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

that sunset is gorgeous!! What a wonderful evening!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love that sunset picture. Would you let me print a big one?
Our cats love to go for walks to, quite a nice family you got there!