Friday, May 12, 2006

Pain in my Foot

Today I had the planters wart on my heel removed. It was bad and not so bad all in one.

First she gave me NUMEROUS shots in my heel. Those hurt soooooooo bad! I told her (before she gave me the shots) that I was thinking this was good pain-control practice for labor and delivery. Before she gives me the shot she says, "Well, contractions are easier to breathe thru than these shots. These shots are pretty painful!" Just want I want to hear BEFORE I get them! So they were pretty bad, but I made it. Then she cut the planters wart out of my foot. This was the not so bad part as it was numb and all I felt was a bunch of pressure. She kept saying, "Wow! This is deep! No wonder you couldn't walk!"

So...then it wouldn't stop bleeding and the nurse tortured me further by sticking a swab of something that stung really bad inside the hole in my foot! It felt like getting the shots all over again...only it felt like the needle was being shoved thru my foot and up my leg! Let me tell you how much fun I had ! LOL

Before I left the dr. asked me what I have at home for pain. I told her I thought all I could take was Tylenol. She said, "I guess that'll have to do." So now I'm sitting at home with my foot propped up. I feel so silly! There's so much to do around here (and I just have a little bitty hole in my foot), but everytime I get up it starts throbbing and a pain shots up through it. I guess I'll follow her directions and rest this weekend :)

Anyone want to come and help Mike work on the house? ;)


suzspeaks said...

OUCH!!! Even though it's hard to sit still.....enjoy it now!!!

Happy Mothers day!!

Anonymous said...

Try and enjoy your relaxing weekend!

My favorite part is when she said "wow. this is deep"-like perhaps you have the deepest plantars wart ever on your foot???

Anonymous said...

Ouch!! Doesn't sound like much fun!