Thursday, March 30, 2006


Today I'm 20 weeks pregnant...meaning we're halfway! There's so much going on between now and August that I have a feeling the next 20 weeks are gonna fly by! Along with it being the busy season at work, we'll have two trips to Texas. May 6th is our baby shower in Arlington and then Tyler and Ann's wedding is July 29th! Somewhere in there we'll have to find time to work on the house (I guess I shouldn't say "we" since Mike will probably have to do the majority of the work. We may be calling on you to help!)

Here are 2 pictures I found online of what a baby looks like at 20 weeks:

Don't you think this baby kinda looks like an old man? Maybe it's the fuzzy eyebrows?!? I wonder how they get pictures like this!

This is a sonogram of a baby at 20 weeks.

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