Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Afternoon Nap

Yesterday was a beautiful day in Sterling! We were actually in the upper 70's! Record highs for February 28th. When I got home from work, I decided to go sit on the front porch and read accounting.

I drug the bean bag chair, lap top, accounting book, a just-for-fun book, a glass of water, and the dogs outside with me. I set up on the front porch and was basking in the sun reading my book. It was so relaxing. Then my eyelids started getting droopy and I could hardly see the words on the page. I finally gave in and took a nice hour nap. The weather was perfect for an afternoon nap in the sun.

I woke up feeling refreshed and headed to Hutch with Mike.


Shauna said...

That sounds so nice! I wish that I could take a nap in my front yard...not going to happen...ever. I wish though!

Anonymous said...

That's the way I study, too!

suzspeaks said...

how perfect! Take as many of those naps now as you can!! They will not be so peaceful in a short while!!

Anonymous said...

take as many naps as you please! my midwife told me that the work your body is doing on a daily basis is equivalent to climbing a mountain. hee hee, that may be easy for you and your mountain climbing-marathon running family, but everyone needs naps lying in the sun...
love you mama!