Friday, October 29, 2010

Thru the Bedroom Window

I know this picture is really blurry....but I just had to post it!  Last night Mike and I were in the media room watching the Rangers game while Brody and Barrett were playing "baseball" in our bedroom (they have pretend baseball games in there all the time).  We finally decided that it'd been quiet way too long and went to go check on them.  Just as Mike was about to crack our bedroom door open he thought of a better idea.  He led me outside and around to our bedroom windows that were still open.  We looked in to see this.....
The boys had pulled out the drawers of Mike's dresser and used them as stairs to investigate what was on top of the dresser!  Brody was busy attaching Mike's bow release to his wrist and then he pretended to shoot a bow and arrow.  After a while they climbed down and Brody told Barrett to help him close all the drawers.  Then he showed Barrett how to use one of Daddy's belts as a pretend fishing pole and they started casting.  Just before they decided to leave the room to come tell us something, Brody looked down at a shirtless Barrett (standing there with his belly sticking out) and said, "Wow!  You ate a lot of food today didn't you Barrett?!?"  lol! 
We snuck back inside before they realized that we were outside spying on them.  It was so fun to watch them play and hear their conversation when they thought we weren't around. 


Leave It To Davis said...

How can you both stay so calm??? I would have been yelling for them to get down, afraid the entire chest of drawers would fall over on them....glad you have really sturdy furniture! Oh, the things you have in store for you....

Amy said...

That is a really precious story. So cute.