Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Heart of a Child

Many times our mornings are full of rushing. Rushing to the gym in time for aerobics class. Rushing home in time to make breakfast before Mike has to leave for work. Rushing to take a shower before the boys wake up. Rushing to get the boys ready so that we can head to school or work.

A week or so ago we'd just finished the morning rush and were finally in the car on the way to Brody's preschool. I was trying to think thru my plans for the day while still listening to Brody's conversation with me (so that I could respond at the appropriate time). We were driving over a bridge on the highway and I was about to pass a car when suddenly the car swerved over into my lane and braked. This caused me to slam on my brakes in the middle of the highway. I was so thankful there wasn't a car on my bumper! I tend to talk to the traffic as I drive (things like, "go car!" when the light turns green) and I said, "What are you doing lady! You're driving like a mad woman!" Brody asked what happened and I told him that the lady in the red car had just swerved in front of us and we'd almost had a big wreck. His response?

Brody - "Mommy. Is the lady in the red car okay?"
Mommy - "Yes. She's just driving crazy...but, for now, she's okay."
Brody - "We better stop and say a prayer thanking God for that lady being ok...thanking God that she didn't get in a wreck!"


My three year old is reminding me that life isn't about me. I was praying thanking God that we were ok (which isn't a bad thing), while Brody was selflessly thinking about the other person.

Lord, please help me to keep encouraging a heart of compassion and selflessness in Brody. Thank you for his desire to serve and encourage others. It humbles me when you use a little child to show me your heart and my weaknesses.


Ann Hastings said...

So very true- I am so glad Brody has such compassion and selflessness!

Steve and Joan said...

Jesus said we need to be like little children - I see what he means!

Brody, you are a wonderful little boy and I love you so much!

Daddy Steve

The Brooks said...

That is so sweet! I have to know though-what time do you get up in the morning to go to aerobics, make breakfast and then drive the kids to school? All of a sudden I feel very inefficient!