Thursday, June 01, 2006

More News

Mike talked to Angela today. She was telling him how she had began having 2nd thoughts about the amnio last Friday because of the fact that it can lead to a miscarriage. So she spent time in prayer about it. Mark really wanted her to have the amnio done. They went to the office and she said that she told God that if he didn't want her to do it he was gonna have to stop it because otherwise she was going to allow them to do the amnio.

So the sonographer hooks her up to see where to stick the needle and says, "This isn't Trisomy." Come to find out the baby has short umbilical cord syndrome, aka limb-body wall complex. From what I gather, when the cells are dividing rather than attaching to the umbilical cord...the abdomen attaches directly to the placenta. This leads to all the defects that were seen in their previous sonograms (bowel outside the body, abnormal spine & heart, and club feet). Their baby has a very short umbilical cord going from her abdomen to the placenta.

The diagnosis is 100% fatal. They have no idea how long the baby will live but they know that it's impossible for her to live outside the womb. She's 21 wks pg right now and they think that if the baby dies she might be able to deliver vaginally. By the time she reaches 24 wks a c-section will be the only option. It will have to be a vertical cut (not bikini cut) c-section to be able to get the baby out.

The good news is that it's not genetic or hereditary so they don't have to go through all that testing. It's just a random, very rare thing. Angela said she goes back and forth between wanting God to go ahead and take the baby now and wanting her to make it to term so she can maybe have the chance of holding her tiny hand for just a few hours.

Please continue to pray for them! I praise God that they have such wonderful family, friends, and church family that have surrounded them with support during this very difficult trial.


Shauna said...

That is so hard- they are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I will be praying for them. I can't even begin to imagine what this must be like for them.

suzspeaks said...

I just have chills reading this. I too can't imagine. They will continue to be in my prayers.

Rebecca said...

That is really sad. I can't even imagine how hard it is to carry for that long and then have this news come in. I'm glad it isn't genetic, and that they don't have to worry about it happening again.