Monday, June 19, 2006


This was a long weekend. I finally made it to bed around 9:30 last night. I slept really well until about 11:30. It was then that I woke up to terrible heartburn (I look forward to heartburn free days again...once the baby's born!). Mike got up and got me one of my pills (I can take Zantac safely during pregnancy). It wasn't until about 1:30 am that it subsided enough for me to fall back asleep....then the alarm went of at 3:45 am. Yuck! So this morning I'm EXTREMELY tired (it wasn't a very restful weekend anyways). Now I need to try to work up enough energy to teach aerobics class at 9 am. Pray for me :)


suzspeaks said...

OHHHHH the heartburn. That was one of my worst problems during pregnancy
(besides throwing up almost every day for 9 months!)

I would go through a bottle of the tums smooth dissolve eVERY week. The only thing that really helped was sleeping upright & that is so comfortable!

suzspeaks said...

I hope you can find some relief... It does go away, but not until you're holding your baby!