Today Mike turns 30 years old! I am so thankful that he was born 30 years ago. I'm also thankful that he's spent the last 1/3 of his life with me! Here are 30 things that I love about my husband (in no particular order):
1) He's a good listener
2) He loves playing with our boys
3) He's not afraid to show affection in public
4) His dimples
5) His love for family
6) How he leads our family spiritually
7) The way he sacrifices his own wants and desires to make others dreams come true
8) His ability to work every power tool known to man
9) The way he can connect with teens and be a mentor to them
10) He takes care of me when I'm sick
11) Sometimes I feel like he can read my mind. Many times I don't even have to tell him what is bothering me...he just knows
12) He is a servant
13) He loves Christ with all his heart and amazes me with his knowledge of the Bible
14) He is an amazing athlete and lots of fun to watch play sports
15) He trusts me with his deepest secrets
16) He teaches our children (and me) where true peace comes from. One night when Brody was crying out because of a bad dream, I heard Mike tell Brody that he didn't need to fear. God is always there with him and he can talk to God all night long if he wants to! It was such a sweet conversation to overhear.
17) He's a hottie (especially in his jeans with a sexy tear in the knee)
18) His patience in teaching Brody new skills
19) The look of love in his eyes when I walk into the room. It makes me feel so special!
20) He's the world's best cook
21) He is diligent about his quiet times in the morning which inspires me to do the same.
22) His night time routine with Brody is super sweet (prayer, sing 3 Bible songs, then tell him a story about golf)
23) He helps me around the house
24) His ability to trust in God during the hardest trials
25) Listening to him pray
26) He purposefully makes a point to spend one on one time with Brody
27) His sense of direction (we'd still be wandering around the mountains of Colorado if he wasn't such a good navigator)
28) How his touch can still give me butterflies in my tummy
29) He teaches me to look on the positive side of every situation
30) There's no better feeling in this world than when he wraps his arms around me. I just love his hugs!!!
I could go on and on...but I'll stop for now and just say
Happy Birthday Mike!
I love you with all my heart!