Thursday, December 20, 2007

1 week 1 day

I forgot to post about this yesterday...but we had something very major happen in our lives on Tuesday night.......POWER WAS RESTORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We watched the trucks for the electric company work their way down the dirt road fixing pole after pole and line after line. They even had to get a tractor to pull their trucks thru some of the snow laden fields so they could fix the lines. It is so nice to walk into the bathroom and flip a switch to turn on the light! The first thing we did after the power came back on was plug in the Christmas tree!!!! It put a smile on our faces immediately!

I wonder what Benjamin Franklin would think if we told him what a mess it caused to be without electricity for a week and a day?


Amy said...

Ben would probably feel pretty special. Glad you finally have power back. That's a long time to be without it.

Shauna said...

Congrats on the power!

Anonymous said...

Now you have a taste of what it's like to live in Africa. You never know if the light will come on or not when you flip the switch. Several times I was awakened in the middle of the night when the power would come on and lights would come on that I had turned on earlier and forgotten about because the power was out. Gives new joy to washing clothes with an electric washing machine or using a blow dryer on your hair. Right? Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Glad you finally have power! You don't realize how much you use it until it's gone!