Thursday, April 30, 2009

Prayers Needed

Tuesday afternoon I went home from work with really bad cramps. Tuesday night I had blood in my urine...which isn't normal in my book! Since I don't have internet at home yet and couldn't Google anything, yesterday I went to the doctor. After talking with them for a while and giving them a urine sample, they sent me for a CT scan. They called this morning with the results. I have a "big kidney stone" (10 mm) that is blocking the flow of urine and the radiologist informed her that "something needs to be done about this". The nurse actually said, "Not to scare you, but if this stone's gonna hurt WORSE than labor!! Take 2 vicadin and go straight to the ER!" YIKES!!!!! Now I'm really freaked out! She's trying to get me in to a urologist so they can zap it...but that may not be until next week!

I would really covet your prayers right now. Pray that I can get in and get it zapped before it moves. (I don't feel the need to experience that pain!) Pray that if the stone does move, it's not when I'm at home alone with the boys. Thank you!

Just got a call that the urologist appointment is Monday at 8:00 am. Pray I make it until then!


megan said...

I will be praying for you! I know first hand that the pain is much, much worse than labor. Hopefully you make it until Monday so it can be zapped!

Jamie said...

Bless your heart. Already been praying for you.

Jennifer said...

Yikes! That is a huge stone. Praying...

Ann Hastings said...

We're praying you make it until Monday- if it gets worse... head to the ER!!!

Jennifer said...

Wow. We will definitely pray for you!

Julie said...

You will be in our prayers!

Wendi said...

Prayers are coming!

paula said...

Wow! That is pretty big--plenty big enough to see even with ultrasound. Aren't you glad you know what it is now?

Jenny Rizer said...

I had a 6 mm one a couple of summer's ago....NO FUN at all! THey zapped mine in the hospital... a "day" surgery. No pain after that, felt great! Hope it stays in place until it gets zapped...praying for ya!

suzspeaks said...

Oh Staci! I too know what this feels like first hand... not fun! I'm so sorry. I'll pray for you.. hang in there!