Friday, March 27, 2009

Startling Wake Up

I'm guessing that Brody had a bad dream last night. We were woken up at 3:15 am by a screaming, crying Brody. I jumped out of bed and found him on the couch in the living room...crying HARD! He was carrying his John Deere blanket and wouldn't even stop crying to tell me what was wrong. I took him back to his bed, but as soon as I laid him down he started screaming crying again. I asked if he needed to potty, but he wouldn't respond. I made him go potty and then took him back to his room. He didn't want to get in his bed, so I spent the next 10-15 minutes sitting on the floor by his bed just holding him in my lap with his head against my chest. It was a harsh wake up that ended in a truly precious time with my little boy. After a while I laid him back in bed. He wanted me to put his Twilight Turtle (it projects stars onto the ceiling) right by his face (making me think that he wasn't wanting to be in the dark). I gave him kisses, told him I loved him, and went back to bed. I don't know if I ever got back to sleep before my alarm went off at 4:35 am, but that's ok. During spin class and Body Pump this morning I just kept thanking God for my sweet little boy.


Anonymous said...

Yikes! Bad dreams can really mess with your mind! I bet Brody was glad you spent that time with him.

Jamie said...

Awwwww! Staci thats so sweet.Thats the best way to take on those really early wake ups. Soon enough he will be thanking God for his wonderful mama.

maybe you can catch nap today!?

Ann Hastings said...

I thank God for Brody daily- what a sweet story even though he was scared, I am glad you cherish those moments!