Monday, March 02, 2009

2 year old talks with God

I learn something every day from our little boy, Brody. Last night he was asking me how much I love him. The conversation when like this:

Brody: Mommy, How much do you love me?
Me: More than you'll ever know!
Brody: But how much do you love me?
Me: To Heaven and back!
Brody: How much do you love me?
Me: A million times infinity!
Brody: Do you love me this much? (spreads his arms out as wide as he can)
Me: I love you MORE than that!
Brody: How much do you love me?
Me: To the moon and back!
Brody: Do you love me this much? (spreads his arms out again)
Me: Nope. I love you a lot more than that!
**This conversation goes on...and on...and on with the repetition that only a 2 year old has the stamina for! Finally we get to the point where I realize I'm not going to be able to answer the question the way he wants, so I give the answer that usually works when he's asked "why" a million times and I don't have a satisfactory answer..."You'll just have to ask God!"

So what does Brody do? He bows his head, then quickly looks back up and me and says, "I'm prayin'!" Then he prays out loud a prayer that can't help but make you smile:

Brody: "Hey God! How much does Mommy love me?" He keeps his head bowed for a minute and then says, "AMEN!"

Brody looks up at me grinning, climbs down from his chair, and says, "God says you love me THIS much!"

A few days ago Brody and I were talking about our impending move. I don't think he quite understands the concept of moving houses. I asked him if he was excited about moving to our new house.

Brody: Are we going to pick up THIS house and move it?
Me: No, we're going to go live in the new house.
Brody: Will we move the house with the pool and put it here?
Me: No we're going to go live in the house with the pool right where it is. Are you excited about living in the new house?
Brody: No.
Me: Why?
Brody: Because I want to stay in this house and live here!
Me: Why do you want to live in this house? (I was waiting for his normal response which includes something about the big concrete pad in our backyard on which he rides his golf cart)
Brody: Because God gave us this house!
Me: You're right. God did bless us with this house when we moved from Kansas. Now he's blessing us with a new house!

I was amazed at his reasoning. I know that Mike and I have talked about how God has provided for our every need in this transition from Kansas to Texas. When we left Kansas we had no idea what the next year would hold. God has blessed us more than we ever imagined and I'm so happy to hear our son acknowledging these blessings!


Jamie said...

I really enjoyed reading this as I sat and ate my lunch. You are a wonderful mommy. That was precious.

Anonymous said...

You and Mike are good parents -
don't you like the way God gives
you encouragement!

Anonymous said...

I love Brody's thought process! Don't forget to tell Brody that when you move, you take all of your toys, clothes, and other stuff with you. At just under 2, Lauren was beside herself about our move. It took a little while for me to figure out that she thought that when we moved, we would leave everything behind. It never occurred to me to tell her that her toys were coming with us...

Amy said...

That is sooooo precious.

Teri said...

Two very beautiful conversations! It's a thrill to see the lessons about God sinking in and to see how cute kids are when they talk to us about the deepest things (love) and the most practical (moving).