Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Lost in the Mail

I have very few complaints with the USPS. Our mail is delivered the same time every day and usually is very efficient! My mom can send something from TX and we'll get it in 2 days. Patty (our mail lady) does have one fault. She leaves packages on our propane tank! Now...if you know KS...you know that it's windy here! How she expects square boxes to stay put on a round propane tank in 30 mph winds blows my mind! I think she's scared of Trevor (the 5 lb yorkie) so she doesn't want to get out of her car to put it on the porch.

Anyways...that wasn't what this post was supposed to be about. My main complaint with the USPS right now is with their delivery of an envelope. I took the final exam for my accounting class at the local learning center (it had to be proctored) and they mailed it to my professor (30 miles away) on December 7th! I received an email from him on Friday saying he hadn't received my exam and would be giving me an incomplete in the class. He said he'll change the grade once he receives the exam. Usually the tests get to his office the day after I take them. I could've driven the test to him quicker than the USPS is delivering it! I'm not sure what he'll have me do if the test never makes it there. I pray that he won't make me retake it! (It was a comprehensive final over 9 chapters!) Please pray that the USPS will get their act together and deliver my test to my professor....soon!!!!


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should ask him to just give you the grade he thinks you would have made. That would be an A for sure.

Anonymous said...

The USPS just ain't what it used to be!!!! We get other people's mail quite often. We take our bills to the post office rather than letting the mail carrier take it. One day several months ago our neighbor found a bill she had put out for the mailman in the yard between our houses. He had dropped it. I hope you have a copy of your test in case it never gets there. I am so sorry this happened. You have worked too hard and deserve an "A" and he knows it. I pray that it gets there soon. You need to file a complaint with the USPS.

RaeAnn said...

UGGHH! How frustrating! Especially when your grade depends on it. I hope it gets there soon.