Saturday, August 13, 2011

What's that wet stuff?!?

The day has finally arrived....Brody's 5th birthday party!  He's been worried about the weather forecast all week.  He would fret over the weatherman forecasting rain...and then he'd decide that it'd be a great birthday present from God (since we're drought stricken right now).  He could never decide which he wanted to happen (rain for the grass....or no rain for his pool party)!

This morning we woke up to a sound we haven't heard in months....water falling from the sky...RAIN!!!!  It was a slow, steady rain (without any thunder or lighting) and Brody & Barrett were excited to go outside and run around in the wet stuff falling from the sky!

#44 - "Play in the rain!" is now checked off of Brody's "Things to do this summer" list.


Steve said...

It was a wonderful day celebrating Brody's birthday! The water was warm and the kids were so much fun!

Daddy Steve

Leave It To Davis said...

Happy birthday, Brody!! I cannot believe you are FIVE!!!! Does that mean you start kindergarten this year?? oh, and could you have a little talk with God and ask him send some of that rain this direction? We'd appreciate it.