Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Trying to be sneaky

When I picked Brody up from preschool yesterday Mrs. Linda said something that puzzled me. She said, "This one's sneaky, but he hasn't learned how to be sneaky yet!"

Is it just me, or is that statement puzzling?

I asked what she meant (I thought maybe my mind was just muddled from staring at tax returns for too long...maybe I hadn't heard her right?!) She told me this story...

"Last Thursday Emma (one of the girls in Brody's class) had a tummy ache during rest time. We called her mommy to come pick her up because she was feeling so bad. when all the kids were out on the playground, Brody told Mrs. Lisa, 'Today when we go inside for rest time, my tummy's going to start hurting. Will you call my mommy to come pick me up?'"

Prime example of why you shouldn't verbally speak everything you think! Brody hasn't learned the art of keeping his thoughts to himself yet. That's probably a good thing for us!


Ann Hastings said...

That's halarious!

Wendi said...

Haha.. that's funny. Well, unless he says too much on Friday! :) Good luck with everything and keep us posted.

Steve and Joan said...

Brody is just planning ahead!

Daddy Steve