Saturday, January 24, 2009

Namaw and the Boys (as told by Daddy Steve)

Joan and I were happy to babysit for Mike and Staci this Thursday and Friday night. Joan even dressed like Barrett for the occasion! Don't they look cute together?

Brody convinced Namaw to throw the football a few times and Barrett must have thought they were playing keep-away- from Barrett - see the look on Barrett's face.

It was cold when Staci brought the boys to our house and they were dressed with warm hats on. Barrett looked cool!

Brody was ready to hunt deer at our house. He brought his gun.


Leave It To Davis said...

Joan, you and Barrett look beautiful in your matching outfits! Brody, keep a look out for those coyotes!

Ledbetter Fam said...

I wanted to call you last night to wish you a happy birthday, but I assumed you would be out. I guess I was wrong. I'll call you tomorrow. Love you!!!