Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Mike and I both voted last week during early voting (to avoid the long lines). If you haven't already voted...go vote today!

If you are a Christian, remember that it is your duty to use your Biblical worldview to vote your values.

You could save millions of lives! Vote McCain!!


Ann Hastings said...

We early voted last Sunday... it was great, no lines :) As I always say "you can't complain if you don't even vote!".

Unknown said...

Jo Faye and I voted October 20th - Sheila voted October 21st - GO MCCAIN!!!

Amy said...

Go McCain and Palin!!!

Jennifer said...

you know this town...even if there was a line it wouldn't take long to make it through! ha i'll be heading over today. i thought that was a really good video (and neutral as far as specific party lines, really). i'll be spending a lot of the day praying!!!!!

Julie said...

What if you feel like your Christian values lead you to vote for another? To vote for someone who cares much more about the poor and marginalized, social services and providing for those in need? How do I choose between voting for someone who will value the sanctity of human life in utero but not as much once those lives are born and living a life of poverty in this very country and who allows their life to be sacrificed in a war that is a lie and the other person who doesn't value their life in utero as much but more later on? I have no idea if I can even vote in this election because I am so uncomfortable with both sides! I am praying that God is leading our country and that we as Christians will step up for what we know to be the values of God and not depend on government to do it!!!!

How does one decide what stance to take as a Christian?

Anonymous said...

I heard a former FBI agent say on a talk show that if we elect Obama we will be electing someone who could not even pass a SECURITY CLEARANCE!!!!!! I cannot believe that so many American people have been hypnotized by this radical. Yesterday I heard an interview he did the first of the year stating that companies could build new coal plants in his adminstration, but the cap and trade and "green" costs will BANKRUPT them. And he also state that electricity will SKYROCKET!!!!! How could anybody vote for Obama!! And he so proabortion that he voted 4 times to not give medical care to aborted babies born alive. And look at all his RADICAL, ANTI-AMERICAN associates! They say he went to Hawaii to not only see his gmother but to SEAL his birth certificate. His grandmother (who is dead now) said he was born in a hospital in Kenya, so he is not even a natural born American, which is one of the 3 qualificaions to be president.

Anonymous said...

I appreciated Julie's comments. Something to think about. I feel the same way.

Terah said...

Julie, as the wife of a man who has served in this war, and commanded men in this war, I can say with full certainty that the men and women who sacrifice their lives for the freedoms of others do so willingly. Our military is all volunteer, and the men and women who serve should, at the very least, be given credit for being big enough to make their own decisions. It is preposterous, and degrading to our troops and the strength of their character, to compare them to unborn children.

Your notion of comparing the killing of unborn children to not doing enough to help the poor is also shaky - at best. God does not command us to make sure everyone has a retirement account and owns a house. He did tell us to help the poor, and we as Christians have failed at doing so. Government has long been accepted as the entity that keeps peace, protects the weak from intentional acts of violence, etc. It is only in recent times that we have come to see our government as the source of all good. The poor are not the responsibility of our government, and it's a good thing! The programs that have been implemented to help the poor are not much help, and simply drain our economy (best case scenario), or even make matters worse. Maybe this is why God has given us the command to help the poor, as individuals, as communities and churches, not as a government.

The command to not murder, however, is much clearer, and abortion is clearly murder by all standards of anyone who claims the Word of God as truth. If you are not a believer, and need more evidence to decide whether abortion is murder (in other words, whether a fetus is a life), come to my next ultrasound with me and see my 16 week old fetus jumping inside of me, sucking its thumb, fully formed. And it's not like Obama is simply pro-choice. He and his wife fought hard against the ban on partial birth abortion that was passed in our Supreme Court last year.

If those are your only two reasons to vote for Obama, please reconsider.

Julie said...

Man, I stirred the pot. :)

I respect everyone's thoughts and feelings and simply urge you to not label one party more Christ-like than another and to encourage you to take a personal responsibility and become an advocate for those issues which a newly elected government will not share your value for.

Above all, pray that we as Christians will be light and life and that people will depend on us more than any elected official to pave the way for Christ.

Wish yall all knew me and that I am not some liberal lovin crazy lady!!! I just want to honor God in all issues and I know you all do as well.

Anonymous said...

Julie gave us something to think about. But when I said I agreed with her--I did not want to vote for either.