Tuesday, May 13, 2008

To induce or not to induce?

Yesterday I had an appointment with my midwife. She informed me that I'm measuring big (by 3 weeks) and that she thinks he's gonna be a big baby. She asked me how I felt about being induced early so that he wouldn't get too big. Of course I had this appointment the day after watching The Business of Being Born, a movie that my dad rented thru Netflix. It was a good movie, but it made you want to do everything naturally (except I wouldn't go so far as having our baby at home!) She wants me to try to get another sonogram in the next few weeks to give her an estimate on the baby's weight. After reading up on it, it looks like studies show that the "guesstimates" on the baby's weight via a sonogram are just that...guesstimates! Being off 1/2-1 pound could make a difference between a "normal" size baby and a big baby....and a "normal" labor or one that's induced unnecessarily. I guess the positive side of being induced is that we'd get to have the baby during our current insurance year (our deductibles start over July 1st)...which is something we've been praying would happen.

Either way, I'm glad that we didn't have to decide yesterday what to do! We'd like some time to think about it...and to hear opinions from our readers out there (I KNOW y'all have opinions about this...so let us hear them!!!)


Unknown said...

I think about this all the time, and it isn't even something my doctor has mentioned. It's a tough call...on the one hand, it would be nice to know when he is coming, and it might benefit you to not have a huge baby. But, on the other hand, Brody was a big baby and your body handled it. Wasn't one of your brothers really big? I really think your family history and Brody's birth means you can handle a big baby.

I know you had a natural delivery with Brody. Were you hoping for the same? I know an induced birth is much harder to do without an epidural. Did you have pitocin with Brody?

I was induced with Connor, and I say semi-induced with Logan. With C I went to the hospital, had pit all night, my water finally broke, and 18 hours after I got to the hospital, he was born. With a vacuum since I couldn't feel a darn thing with the epi.

With Logan, my dr. stripped my membranes and sent me to the hospital because my bp was high. By the time I got in my room, I was in labor. They started pit briefly, but turned it off as soon as I was in a regular labor pattern. It was 5 hours from check-in to delivery and overall a MUCH better experience. (I had an epi with him, too, but I was not completely numb which was a good thing.)

So, I guess if I were casting a vote for you to induce or wait, I would say wait. And pray he comes before July 1. Prayer is some good stuff! Maybe he'll even come at 37 weeks all on his own! It seems like from our past conversations that not having an epi is pretty important to you. I would stay away from induction if that's still the case.

Good luck deciding!

Amy said...

My opinion.. pray and trust in God. Not to say that you should "not" induce, but I believe God will bless you with the answer that you need. I'll be praying for you too!

Anonymous said...

Personally, I am not comfortable with an induction at anything less than 38 weeks. (I had 2 inductions - one at 40+ weeks and one at 39 weeks.) I found the inductions just as quick and easy as natural labor; but I know from my nursing experience that the doctors can be way off on their estimated dates and weights. Just my personal thoughts about it. I'm sure you guys will make an educated and prayful decision that is right for you. I can't wait to see him!

Unknown said...

I was induced with Jackson at 38 weeks, but it was due to a medical reason. I didn't necessarily want to be induced, but I had high blood pressure; however, I can offer no advice on whether contractions are worse with pitocin as I have only experienced it one way. Since you don't have to make a decision right now, I think it would be a good idea to wait and see how your body is progressing naturally first. My body wasn't progressing much with Jackson. I think I was dilated to half a centimeter or less, and I ended up with a c-section. I always wonder if I could have waited longer and if my body would have progressed towards labor more on its own if things would have been different. That isn't a medical opinion by any stretch of the imagination, but you may ask your doctor about the rate of c-sections when induction is done before the body has made progress. Since you go to a midwife, I am assuming that a c-section is not in your plan. Again, this is personal speculation, and your midwife will know far more than I do! I could be completely off here, but it can't hurt to ask questions! On a more pro side, I did like knowing when Jackson would make his arrival. It made it easy to get everyone who wanted to be at the hospital there and put me more at ease. I will be praying for your decision!

Anonymous said...

That's a tough call. All I can say is "better you than me." :-) I can't wait to see Brody's new little brother. You and Mike are doing a great job with Brody. Keep up the good work!

Teri said...

That is a tough call, there are definitely pros and cons! I'll be prayin for widsom.

Leave It To Davis said...

Hey, Staci......I say "Listen to your midwife or doctor.....they have done this a lot more than any of us!" I was induced with Brady at 38 weeks because I had gestational diabetes, and I was losing so much weight, my doctor just felt sorry for me because she said I was starving to death......when I got pregnant with him, I weighed 180, and when I delivered, 159. I have seen in charts where the induction didn't work, so if God isn't ready for Barrett to join you, he will make sure he doesn't. Just listen to the professionals, because they have your best interest in mind! (so do we......love you all!)

RyAnn said...

Braxton was induced at 38 weeks and he was born weighing 10lbs 8oz. They did a sonogram 2 days before and it showed him weighing 9lbs 14oz. So they were pretty close because he probally gained a few ounces the last 2 days as well. The nurse told me they are usually with in 6 oz. of the actual weight! It's a tough choice! Good Luck!

Ledbetter Fam said...

It's a hard call. I will tell you that I went into spontaneous labor early with both Wade and Lafe. Then, bedrest at 34 weeks with Joseph and he decided to refuse to come out. We set a date for induction at 39 weeks, but I REALLY didn't want to be induced. I wanted it to happen on it's own time. I felt like I was stepping in and trying to take control where God should be in control. However, I prayed really hard and I woke up the morning of my "induction" and my water had broken and I was contracting. I didn't have to have any pitocin. Do listen to your midwife and do what they advise. As someone else said, they've done this a lot more than any of us. However, I would ask them if you could wait until after 38 weeks to induce. It's a lot safer! I'm also in agreement with Caleb. Cheaper is better if it's also safe. By the way, Dava Lynn did this as well with her last baby. She went into labor the morning of her "induction" and didn't have to be induced. Prayer is a really powerful and awesome thing! I love you and will be praying that you have peace with whatever decision you and Mike feels is best for your family. You do whatever YOU believe you should do!


Anonymous said...

Sorry this is a late comment, but I will be praying for you Staci! I know that God listens to your prayers too, and cares very much : )