Yesterday morning I was a little nervous about getting to work safely. What made me ever more nervous was the fact that Mike had left his phone at work on Friday. We don't have a that meant I had no way of contacting him if something went wrong! Before I left, I asked him who I should call if I get stuck. He said, "Ummm...." then there was complete silence for at least a minute! I figured he'd just fallen back asleep (remember it's 4:15 am). So I headed out of the bedroom and he said, "Wait! I was just praying. You're not gonna get stuck." It made me feel a little better that he was praying for me...but I decided in my head that if I got stuck I'd call Chris & Teri. They wouldn't hate me forever if I woke them up that early and Chris has 4wd if I needed to be pulled out.
After the 7 minutes that it took me to get from our garage to the road in front of our house...I didn't have much trouble at all. In fact, the highway was totally clear! I emailed Mike when I got to work to let him know I arrived safely. He emailed back and said, "I'm glad you made it! I actually got up and watched you get as far on the dirt road as I could see. I noticed you were moving really good, so I figured that portion must be fairly clear."
I don't know why it affected me so...but the fact that he got up out of a warm bed at 4:15 in the morning to watch me drive down a dirt road made me feel loved and protected.
Because a post isn't very good without's some pics of Brody from this morning at work. He still isn't feeling well so I'm gonna see if I can get into the dr. soon.
Mike seems to be a very loving and caring husband. I'm glad you made it safely. Those pictures of Brody in his hat are so cute!
Thank you Mike for taking care of Staci!
You officially have twice the number of pooping pictures than I have ever taken of my 3 kids combined! Ewww!! That blue outfit sure makes Brody's eyes stand out - he is beautiful!
Thank you Mike for taking care of my friend. I love that she has such a wonderful, loving, Christian husband. You are special.
That is so sweet. I'm so glad that he takes such good care of you!
As always, Brody is the cutest!
that face is precious
Nope we absolutely would NOT hate you for calling if you were stuck! In fact you would be in trouble if you did not call. Praise God for Mike and his faith! There are no substitutes for strong spiritual leadership and caring.
Could Brody be one of cutest babies to ever grace this earth?!?!? I think so!!!
Is today someone's birthday??????
Happy Birthday!!
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