Friday, December 31, 2010

I need chapstick!

The account of our NM vacation wouldn't be complete if I didn't blog about Barrett's chapstick OBSESSION.  Yes, it was definitely an obsession.  I'm not sure if it was because his lips were dry...or if he just became obsessed...but he couldn't go more than a few minutes without chapstick!  I think he actually used up a few tubes of chapstick!  He always wanted everyone elses chapstick (not his own).  We preferred that he used his own because after he'd apply it to his lips, he'd stick the tube of chapstick in his mouth and lick the end of it!  Gross!  Barrett even woke up multiple times during the night crying because he'd misplaced his chapstick (this from a kid who doesn't normally wake up during the night).  Once I'd find it and hand it back to him, he'd tuck it under his arm and fall right back to sleep.  Thanks to Namaw for figuring out an ingenious way for him to keep up with his chapstick while he was wearing his long underwear (which didn't have pockets).


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