Saturday, May 29, 2010


Today Mike spent 13 hours smoking 2 pork shoulders. Every time I walked outside my stomach would growl just smelling the delicious smell of meet smoking! It was a long wait (we didn't get to eat dinner until after 9 pm)...but it was sooo worth it! The pictures do NOT do it justice. (One thing is sure, I don't have the right kind of camera for food photography!)
He then made some homemade cole slaw and piled both the pulled pork and cole slaw between two slices of toasted potato bread. It was to die for!!!!
I can usually eat leftovers from a meal once, maybe twice after the original meal. This meal, however, I think I could eat for a week and not tire of it! I'm glad we have a lot of leftovers!


Unknown said...

It makes my mouth water. LOL Looks scrumptous. Mike is a "great chef".

Ann Hastings said...

LOOKS AMAZING- Mike is such a great cook :)

Paula said...

You had me at the smell--any meat grilling outside draws me in.