Wednesday, May 26, 2010


The other day Namaw and I decided to explore some of the greenbelt beind their property. As you can see from the pictures, our boys with have plenty of area to explore as they grow. There are some trails thru the woods, but there's a lot of the area that is overgrown and just waiting for someone to discover.
The creek was down to a trickle on the day we were exploring.
Do you remember how I made a Mulberry Cream Pie for Namaw's birthday? Well...we made the mistakes of carrying the mulberries with us as we were hiking through the woods. There was part of the trail that was muddy and slippery. I almost fell as I walked up it. I didn't realize that Namaw was following me up the hill or I would've warned her!
Yep. The mulberries took the brunt of her slide down the hill. Needless to say, I washed them again before putting them in the pie!


Ann Hastings said...

What a cool area behind their house to explore! I am sure there are many stories to come from the boys playing back there!
Even if the berries hit the floor, the pie was amazing :)

Rebecca said...

That will be so much fun for the boys! I loved playing in the creek and fields behind our old house when I was little.

Teri said...

Looks like a fun area! I miss wooded areas like this...enjoy the mulberries!