Friday, July 25, 2008


Today Barrett is 4 weeks old. I can't believe that it's been a month since he was born! It's gone by super fast!

This morning I laid him down in his crib for a nap (rather than the bassinet) because Brody was very persistent that Barret should sleep in the "big crib". When I turned off the hairdryer I heard him crying and went to check on him. I was shocked to find that he had rolled over in the bed! I know it couldn't have been on purpose...he's just too young...but it made me realize that the next time I turn around he'll be crawling...then walking!

Brody too was reminding me how much he's maturing. He was talking to me while I was doing my hair (what's new...he talks to you every single moment he's awake! lol). Anyways, I was asking him, "Who made the trees?" and he'd answer, "God!" I asked him who made Brody, Daddy, Mommy, grass, etc. Before long he started asking me the question. He'd say, "Who made Namaw?", "Who made Daddy Steve?", etc.

It's fun watching our children reach physical milestones (like rolling over and walking), but what's even more exciting is watching them grow in the knowledge of our Lord!


Anonymous said...

You are doing a great job teaching him!

Leave It To Davis said...

Four weeks old!!!! I cannot even begin to realize that much time has gone by. Happy one month, little Barrett!