Saturday, May 26, 2012

Jacob's Dream

A few years ago, Abilene Christian University created a sculpture site on their campus called Jacob's Dream.  You can imagine it kind of like Stonehenge with a spiritual aspect.  The main sculpture is 34' from the pedestal to the top angel (each angel is 8' tall) and it depicts the angels on the ladder in the dream Jacob had in Genesis 28.  There's a small baptismal pool near the base of the sculpture and spread out around the surrounding area are large stones carved with scripture.  As you walk through the site you are able to read different verses of scripture.  It's such a unique and awe inspiring place!  Pictures don't do it justice.  I should've backed up and taken a picture of the entire site, but I didn't.  Here's a picture in which you can see the ladder and the angels along with some of the surrounding stones.

Grammy with her 4 grandchildren.


Mark, Angela, Jayden, & Laney

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