Wednesday, September 05, 2012

After school fun with my boy!

When I picked Brody up from school today, he ran to me and said, "Can we play Monopoly when we get home?!?"  So guess what we did when we got home?  Made a big bowl of popcorn and got out the Dynopoly (the Dinosaur Monopoly Brody got when he and Grammy went to the Dinosaur Depo Museum in CO)!  {picture with my phone}

This morning was a much better start to the school day.  Brody was a little sad as we walked onto the school grounds, but then he saw some friends to walk into the building with.  One of his friends was having a hard time and I whispered to B ("try to encourage Kade and see if you can get him to walk into school with you").  I think taking his focus off himself and putting it on someone else (thanks for the tip Angi!) helped a lot.  He was more concerned with his upset friend than he was about the fact that he was leaving me.  Thanks to all the friends and family who have been praying about this with us!  I'm hoping we turned a corner today and he'll be excited about going to school.  I guess I'll have to wait for tomorrow to see for sure...but today was a great day!

1 comment:

Leave It To Davis said...

Good job, Brody! And I LOVE Monopoly!!