Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dear Friends & Family,

I would like to make a public apology.  The other day we learned something from our sweet 4 year old that shocked us...and has possibly affected you or your home negatively.

Barrett went to the bathroom (I knew he had to go #2) and came back to the living room fairly quickly.  I asked him, "Did you wipe?"  He responded in the affirmative.  I said, "Are you sure...because that was really fast!"  He said, "Yes.  I even checked to make sure it was clean!"  I said, "Huh?  How did you check?"

"Well..." replied Barrett, "You wipe once.  Then you sit down on the tile floor by the potty.  If there's any brown on the floor when you stand up then you sit back on the potty and wipe again.  If there's not any brown on the floor then you're good!"

OH. MY. GOODNESS!  Mike and I stared at each other horrified!  Where in the world did he learn that?!?  We quickly instructed him on the proper bathroom hygiene.

So....I'm sorry if you have ever walked into your bathroom after we have come to visit and have found a small brown streak on your tile floor.  Rest assured that it was just our youngest son trying to make sure he wiped 'til he was clean.


Steve said...

And Joan was blaming those brown streaks on me!

Ann Hastings said...

LOL- Steve!!!

This is just too funny!

Leave It To Davis said...

Must have learned that from some neighbor's dog....