Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Coming Soon/Pitch Count

* Barrett's 3rd Birthday Party
* Bathroom Remodel Reveal
* Newborn pictures of Axton
* 4th of July at the Roseberrys

Let's just say it's been a very busy week at our house!  I'll give you a fun story to tide you over.

I know I've mentioned many times how much Brody LOVES baseball.  Since we got ride of cable, we don't get to see very many Rangers games on TV.  So Mike and Brody have resorted to "watching" the games on the computer.  I use "watching" loosely because they're not actually watching video footage of the game.  Nope.  They're watching the pitch count change on  That's right.  They sit in front of the computer and wait with baited breath to see if the animated graphic shows ball, strike, or hit. 

Now you're probably thinking that they watch it for a little bit and then go play and then watch some more and then play more, right?  Wrong!  Mike may do other things during the game, but Brody sits there watching the entire thing!  Last night he sat with the laptop and watched the entire 3 hour game.  He might get up and run to find us to tell us about an exciting play...but then he'd run right back and settle in with the computer.  We could hear him cheering for the Rangers along with a few shouts of "That's a horrible call!" all the way in the other room. 

This may not seem strange to some people...that a 4.5 year old would watch the pitch count for 3 hours...but what if I were to tell you that same 4.5 year old barely made it through Cars 2!  He may not be one for watching movies and shows for hours....but that boy LOVES baseball!!!!


Mom said...

You might should buy stock in some sunscreen company. I think you will be buying a lot of sunscreen to sit out at the baseball fields in the future!

Jamie said...

Wow!! I'm thinking he may go pro in his future! That is amazing he sat there and watched that so long!

Jennifer said...

Aaron does the same thing (when life allows!). He was excited to see the "graphics" had upgraded quite a bit from last season. I thought it still looked like an old-school Nintendo game! Dedicated to their sport, I guess!!