Friday, October 30, 2009

I can fly!

One of the many freebies from Mike's company picnic was a helicopter hat (guess that's what you call it) for the kids. When Mike handed it to Brody, his eyes got wide and lit up like Mike had just handed him the most prized possession in the world. We thought it a little humorous that he was so excited about a hat. Brody carefully put it on his head, reached up and spun the propellers, and then asked with awe in his voice, "Am I flying?!?" We told him "no" and he anxiously asked if one of us would spin the blades so that it would go fast enough to lift him off the ground. Suddenly it hit us. The reason he was in awe of the hat was because he actually believed that it would allow him to fly! The disappointment in his face when he learned that you can't fly with a hat was almost heartbreaking. Thankfully he's gotten over that disappointment and now loves to pretend like the hat makes him into a human helicopter.


Ann Hastings said...

That's so cute!

Leave It To Davis said...

Tell him that isn't a propeller....that is a fan to keep his head from getting hot while wearing the hat. That way, he won't go bald. :)

Gmommy said...

That was a great idea, Cindy.

The Brooks said...

It was such a fun surprise to see your comment on our blog! Your 2 are adorable! Hope y'all are doing well!

Steve and Joan said...

The helicopter hat will make for some good stories!

Daddy Steve